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Online Radio Station Data API Access

Since 2005 we have been maintaining our radio station directory. Users add stations, our staff adds stations and our streamSpider adds new stations every day. Almost 500 a month are added. And almost 300 a month are removed from our listings as they go dark. We list not only terrestrial stations but online-only radio stations that only stream their broadcasts.

If you are interested in using our data to power your mobile radio application or table based application then try out our API. You can get a free developer API account to get a taste of our listings. If you want more stations and more calls to our service then consider a commercial API license.

Access our streaming radio station data using our API

Why use our data for your internet radio application?

  Freshest station listings. We have the largest listing of online radio stations available. And it grows by 300-500 new stations submitted by broadcasters each month.

  Unique station listings. Not only do we have user-managed listings, our streamSpider technology discovers thousands of new stations every time it crawls the web.

  Data the way you want it. We provide XML or JSON data from our API - consume whatever flavor you want.

  Easy to integrate. API features many methods for browsing, searching and querying our radio station directory.

Free Developer Accounts

Access our online radio station data API for free as a developer

Get limited access to our radio station listings - and a 1,000 call limit. A FREE developer account will let you get a feel for the API. If you need more access and want a commercial license then view our radio data api licensing plans.

Sign Up For A Developer Account

* First Name:
* Last Name:
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* Company Name:
* Website:
* Intendend API Usage:

Project Timeframe:
Agree to Licensing Terms:
* Affix Digital Signature:
Check box and enter full name to verify digital signature